
How We Support Your Business

Eastman Employment Services offers you free assistance in all aspects of inclusive employment. Our qualified Employment Facilitators provide various services to ensure the success of both your business and your new employee. You will be able to obtain support from our Employment Facilitators through the following;

  • Access to a large pool of pre-screened candidates to fill your job posting.  If we do not have the perfect individual to fill your position we will use our network to assist you to contact other organizations who may be of assistance to you.
  • Job training for your new employee.  Including, but not limited to, consultations, assistance in on-the-job training, communication and support during employment to ensure success. Job Coaches are available to support your new employee(s) on the job during training and while working.
  • Provision of resources.  To ensure that your new employee becomes successfully integrated into your workplace, our Employment Facilitators can offer you assistance. This may be through sharing educational material regarding workplace inclusion, consultations, or accommodations for your employee(s). 
  • Ability to use EES staff as a sounding board.  Our Employment Facilitators and Job Coaches can also act as a sounding board and advisor for your new ideas, questions and concerns regarding all aspects of inclusive employment. From conducting inclusive interviews to termination.
  • Maintenance of on-going communication.  Throughout hiring, training, employment, and retirement or termination our experience staff will be there for you as an advisor as you navigate inclusive employment.

What Inclusion in the Workplace Looks Like

An inclusive workforce holds many unique characteristics, such as;

  • Having coworkers/employees with diverse viewpoints.
  • Embracing the differences that people bring to the job.
  • Seeing the job through a different perspective.
  • Taking the ideas and contributions from a variety of people to deliver the best possible product or service to your customer base.

Potential Benefits of Inclusive Hiring

By hiring inclusively, your organization opens itself up to great outcomes. Listed below are just a few positive aspects to broadening the diversity of your workplace.

Hiring with inclusion in mind has good outcomes for your business. By including diverse employees on your team, your organization will gain

1. Employees with skills and talents who strive to succeed.
2. Individuals who work hard to perform well within their position.
3. People who become extremely dedicated employees.
4. Reliable employees you can count on.
5. Individuals who go above and beyond to generate increased productivity.
6. People who diversify your workplace with new perspectives.

In addition, when employing a person who lives with a disability your business is more likely to thrive with

  • Reduced turnover costs.  When compared with the general workforce, employees with disabilities tend to perform as well, or better, than their coworkers.
  • Customers who appreciate you for hiring a diverse team.  Over 170, 000 consumers in Manitoba have a disability; they and their families notice when employers hire inclusively and are more likely to hold your business in high regard. In addition, a recent study indicated that 87% of consumers surveyed would prefer to give their business to companies that hire individuals with disabilities versus those that don’t.
  • Employees who hold unique perspectives and add value to your team.  Commitment to a diverse workforce that includes employees with disabilities has a positive impact on work culture. Having a diverse and inclusive staff brings value to your employee’s experiences while at work and it is shown through their positive morale.

More Information

If you are interested in becoming an inclusive employer or improving your diverse workplace, feel free to contact us. Want more information? Check out the resources below

Information used with permission from the Manitoba Supported Employment Network (msen.mb.ca)

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